

CanadARThistories, a new online course and its associated open learning objects, addresses growing concerns around inclusion, regionalism, Indigenization, and internationalization in art history curricula, and is conceived as a response to these ideas. The course highlights the rich visual and material culture of this land through a series of entries, written by subject experts, that focus on the artistic contributions of Indigenous and settler makers. It can be further shaped and reshaped to challenge and redistribute the traditional, chronological, and rigid narratives of Canadian art and to encourage learners to be co-constructors of knowledge.

The course supports a second-year undergraduate survey of art in Canada. Through thematic modules, diverse visual traditions and their intersections will be introduced, as will the changing roles of art in society. The thematic modules and suggested assignments will centre learners, engaging them in active learning practices and the creation of new learning objects and resources, while also developing critical and analytical skills central to the field of art histories.

CanadARThistories contains:

  • a course plan for instructors

  • a suggested assessment package for instructors

  • a sample syllabus

  • thematic modules

  • contributor-based object essays

The course is easily customized to the needs of individual instructors and institutions. The modular and flexible design of the course enables it to be adapted to blended and face-to-face learning. This course can be used as a “course in a box” that you can incorporate into your learning management system and use. You might choose to customize it by developing your own module overview videos and videos to explain the assignments. We also encourage you to personalize this content by adding your own graphics and visuals. We also have tried to build in flexibility so that you can take bits and pieces that work for you and remix them, as the majority of content is licensed under Creative Commons.

OAH PEDAGOGY INSTITUTE: A three-day sustained conversation on pedagogy and open practice

OAH PEDAGOGY INSTITUTE: A three-day sustained conversation on pedagogy and open practice